Saturday, May 03, 2008


I've been in shooting mode for the last three days. That means, my contact with the outside world has been minimal, if at all. But last night, I dragged my tired ass Downtown to hear a friends band play, and it was so worth it. A lovely night on the Elizabeth River with a glorious view of the sunset and some fun folk music, all outside. Once again, it made me long for a chance to live in Norfolk. There is such a different atmosphere down there, I kept thinking of the difference between the venue I was at and one at the beach.

At the beach the band would have been playing Jimmy Buffet or The Eagles. This band was just two people with a guitar sining folk, and comedy type music. The beach everyone would have been half dressed, wild colored shirts, and a there would have been at least one drunk woman, dancing in the middle, beer in one hand, cigarette in the other, squealing at a pitch that would make dogs run for cover. This crowd was drinking, talking, interacting with the band, having fun, but not on the verge of being arrested. The beach, the police would have forced everyone who had a drink to stay behind some imaginary line that was mandated by the ABC board. Last night the bike cops came up and hung out for a bit just to listen to the music, and talk to the crowd. No one was ticketed, or removed by force or arrested. I'm probably more of a Norfolk woman, it really is something I should look into. But then, I do like being right down here by the beach too. Maybe I need two homes.


Blogger SAT said...

yeah, that Mahi Mah's scene is a little much. But moving to Norfolk?
Traffic sucks, no salt air, no bike rides or walks to the beach.
Then again, maybe you're more urban than I am.

11:08 AM

Blogger Alexis said...

If you must have a second home in an urban setting you should have it near me. Come up North and get back to your roots!

10:36 AM

Blogger Jessica + Chuck said...

I like Ghent...

10:45 AM

Blogger nicole said...

i love ghent. i absolutely loved living in Norfolk, actually more than being at the beach. For all the reasons you listed and more!!! I love being near the ocean, but Norfolk is still close enough to the beach and the art scene is just way better and the people are more laid back, and there aren't as many navy families and there's a greater selection of delicious vegan/vegetarian food and you can ride your bike anywhere, and everyone in the neighborhood likes ther home and often manicures their lawns or gardens, and it's mostly quiet. Well, there you have it. my serious bias towards norfolk. i loved it there.

12:40 AM


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