Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Birthday ALEXIS

Alexis, minutes old

I can't believe I have a daughter that is 29 years old today. Well, I can't believe that daughter has a daughter. Yikes.
Alexis was born at 6am on July 30, 1980. It was a wonderful peaceful mornign, we went to the hospital at 3 or 4 am, I had woken up with contractions, and it was evident it was time. Once in the hospital, we settled into our "birthing" room, a new concept back then; bedroom like labor and delivery rooms. We figured we'd be there all night, as did the nurses. Then I had this major contraction, and the nurses looked at me like I was crazy, they had just checked me and I was only 3cm. They checked me and I had fully dialted, to 9. From 3 to 9 in minutes. I should have been a porche.

Anyway, Alexis was born, she was beautiful and alert as can be, and much like Samantha, she had a full head of black, thick hair.

Happy birthday Alexis, I hope you have a wonderful day.



3 generations


Blogger Unknown said...

You've both aged very well!!

3:29 PM

Blogger Alexis said...

hmmm..Nicole's birthday post was much more detailed and had more photos. I guess giving you your first grandchild doesn't get better birthday post. Ah well!

Thanks Mom. And happy "labor day" to you! I couldn't have done it with out you!

Love you!

7:14 PM

Blogger skbproductions said...

yeah, now that you're a mom, you've been dethroned. Just wait to you see how much tiem I spend on my grandchild's birthday post.

Love you,


7:23 PM

Blogger Clan Hill said...

The Porche comment was classic

10:04 AM


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