MOM is for Me On Myown
Mother's Day, came and went. I've never been a big fan. It's nice my kids remember me, but I'm not so sure we need one day set aside for us moms. Heard from Alexis and Jessica, Nicole had sent her regards earlier, since going up mountains, access to the web in Napal was going to be an issue. So I was basically on my own. Spin at 8am, then home to work out my recent innovation on a watering systems for my garden. It didn't' work. By mid-day I had wrapped it up, both because of failure and rain. Showered, read, slept, read....I couldn't help but contrast this mother's day to other's. Most mothers were in the throws of making sure everyone else was happy. And here i was, just me, a true self indulgent mother's day. I decided to be thankful for that, and think about all the thanks I get all year. Like when Nicole tells me while up a mountain in Nepal, she got sick and called for me. Or when my married daughter calls me, when she needs someone to chat to or vent when having a bad day. Or when my step daughter goes out of her way to also recognize me, and thank me for her involvement in her life. If I were to have achieved anything in my life, it would be to have been half the mother mine was. And there are many times I realize, she would be proud. My children give me feedback all year long. True when they were young I always questioned what I was doing, you never think you're getting it right. Just the day before I was talking with a mom of four, and she is in the throws now of watching her oldest approach the teen years. Her questioning days just beginning. I feel for her.
And back to my mother's day. Later in the day, one more person I mother called and invited me out for a martini, his treat. Yes, Mark. We had a martini, then chinese food, take out, of course, then I was snug in bed by my usual time. Perfect day. And today is my mom's birthday. So for her, let me say, I think I did it. I always felt that if I could be half the mother mine was, I would have achieved success. I think I'm happy with what I've done, better yet, my mother would be proud.
Cheers to that!!
3:29 PM
I loved this post. I feel better even knowing what kind of day you had since I couldn't even call to say I love you. It's really nice to have a mother like you who had a great mother like Mary to aspire to become. I think it gives both Alexis and I not only a great sense of family, but a great idea of how to be a mom! How does it feel to think about Alexis and I looking to you the way you looked at your mother? I'll bet it's a little strange, but wildly reassuring. LOVE YOU!
12:14 AM
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