A sad day
It's silly to get so affected by the death of someone you never met. Never knew personally, never even stepped in the same room with that person, however, Ted Kennedy has been in our lives forever, and he will be missed, even if he wasn't a part of our day to day lives.
In actually, he was. He was there pushing through legislation for the people. He was truly born of an era when you were taught to share your wealth and position and use it for a good cause. Unlike our wealthy heirs today who use their position for celebrity status and reality tv shows. Like the Kennedys or not, they were America's royal family. They were powerful, influential, and they touched all our lives. Ms Soccer mom has Ted Kennedy to thank for the fact that girl's sports are now a gateway for some to earn a collage education. Teens have Ted Kennedy to thank for the minimum wage they earn at their summer jobs. Dads can thank Sen. Kennedy for the time they get to stay home with newborns and still have a job waiting for them on return. Civil rights, nuclear treaties, he even backed Bush's no child left behind. He crossed party lines, voted his concience and served his state well.
I know Sen. Kennedy was unpopular, one of those elite liberals, chappaquidick, gay rights. But what I see is a patriach, a leader, a true American who served his country. A dynasty the last leader of a breed of wealthy american families who used thier wealth not only for their own gain, but for the good of all.
I cried this morning when I heard the news, it's like loosing an Uncle. And it's a sad day for America. I just hope there's a new breed of Kennedys somewhere out there and I hope they come forth sooner than later.
I felt sad, but for his family and the American people . . . at least he was finally at rest. It's funny, when you look at his life, he was such a HUGE influence on the shaping of America as it is today. His life's work has affected so many people that don't even know it. What I find a shame, is HE did so much, yet, even in death, he's still being overshadowed by his brothers. All the magazine covers, the news stories, "The Kennedy Brothers", but I guess that was his lot in life. What's funny is what I have been thinking alot about is Yia Yia. All I keep seeing are vivid memories of her and how sad and glued to the TV she was when JFK died and was buried, and then Bobby.
I guess I can understand the news. With Teddy's death, you are brought back to the 1960's.
5:43 AM
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