where's my voice?
My daughter is diligent about her blog. In fact, there's hell to pay if she doesn't post comments for a while. We all check in regularly to follow her life and check in on Samantha. Then I scroll down all the blogs she follows, and shame sets in. All of us who were inspired by her communicating thru this wonderful medium ran out and started our own blogs. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Ten months, that's how long it's been since some of us took the time to update the world on how we're doing.
What's my excuse? Do I blame Facebook? Now I can update everyone with a sentence or two. Do you really need more information? I love to write, but finding my voice and thinking I have something worth saying amongst all this chaos is hard. If you're close to me than you know what's going on in my personal life. Or better yet,what's not. There's doesn't seem to be enough to write about. And if you're a stranger, then why would you care about my day to day experiences? Have I lost my voice, or has my life gotten too dull to document?
I met up with an old friend last night, who asked me if I was still writing. Oh here and there I replied, when I knew I wasn't writing at all. He used to read my stories and loved them. Beign a writer himself, that meant something to me. As soon as the lie came out of my mouth I asked myself why aren't you still wriitng? Do I need an unique experience to inspire me to write? Where is my muse? Do I even have a voice, or am I merely a reporter documenting events? If the latter, I guess I have to credit my unique life for supplying the material all these years. Does that diminish my talent? Can I write, or have I just lived a strange life?
I don't make resolutions, but let's say for 2011 I plan on getting back to some of the things I have enjoyed doing over the years. I'll start writing again. My garden will be beautiful. I'll travel again to Italy, I'll be a grandmother for the second time, and I'll break my routine of work/home/work/home. Maybe it's not my voice that's been on hiatus. It's time to drum up some things worth writing about. I'll never be as regular as my daughter is with her updates, after all a toddler is changing every day, an unlimited wealth of new experiences to record. My talent is in the storytelling. What's been missing are the stories.
Hopefully, when you all check out alexis' blog and scroll over to the side, my blog will be waiting in the wings, updated with new anectdotes and editorials to share. All those fun and exciting adventures, aka, my lfe. I encourage all of us post to our blogs more often. There's nothing too small to share. Don't anaylize if you have something to say or not. We're all family, we care about each other and what's going on, and we want to know. What a great way to stay in touch, as proven by Alexis' regular updates on Samantha's progress. Many of you met Samantha thru the blog first, before even seeing her. We're not a shy bunch for sure, and as anyone who's been to our family gathers will tell you,we ALL have a voice. So, use it.
Now if you'll excuse me... my muse is calling. See you in the blogs!
I, for one, look forward to your blogs. I am glad you are going to write again, tend to your garden again, go to Italy again, and be a grandmother again . . . OPA! Live life!
12:43 PM
I look forward to more post as well! From all of you!!
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the thought of having to sit down and write out a blog post, but it doesn't always have to be a page long summary of your life. A little tidbit here and there is always appreciated!
Here's to a great year! Looking forward to all that 2011 has to offer you!
7:02 PM
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