Thursday, September 03, 2009

Lock the doors Ethel, the devil's coming.

So today all the educators around the country are up in arms over the first day of school address Obama wants to give students. Parents are writing in asking if their child can opt out. I actually saw a man on the news saying he didn't want his child subjected to that liberalism.

Okay, by the way...Bush was at a school reading to children when we were attacked on 9-11. I wonder what insued before that. I wonder how many of those kid's parents kept their child home that day so they wouldn't have to be subjected to that right wing propaganda, I beleive he was in the middle of the launch of his "no child left behind" program. I'll bet back then, we were still honored to meet or be addressed by a president.

What's happened to the days when if a president wanted to address your children via radio, or live broadcast you would actually send them to school that day in new clothes. We're talking the highest office in this country, and we are pulling out children out of school that day so they're not there. This is frightening.

Chew on this Mr right wing paranoid Dad...if you teach your child that he doesn't have to listen to someone as important as the President of The United States - then who does your child have to listen to? Certainly not a principal or a teacher. Ever think about that message that's beign burned into your little school child's brain. I fear for the next generation. I fear for our country.

The devil is coming. But not on the first day of school via a radio address. The devil is here already. Spreading fear, hate and intolerance. And I have no idea where all this will head us. But I'm very afraid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of blogging about how bad the right is and adding to the problem, why not go tutor a student.

thats right...your son-in-law.

6:48 PM

Blogger Clan Hill said...

I love that I get my news from reading other peoples blogs. I had not heard anything about this. I told Jason and he said that he had heard a lot of people at our church were up in arms about it. How silly. Saying that the opposition should have the right to a speech. Who is the President's opposition they speak of? I would think his opposition would be someone like Bin Ladin, not a fellow American. I could go on, but I'm tired and might start cursing and that's never pretty.

7:50 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

First, let me say how proud I am of my daughter's response to your post.
Now: The first I heard of this was yesterday at work, when one of my co-workers was ranting to another about children being "required by the government" to "pledge allegiance to Obama" at school. I suggested that, since her child attended a private, Christian, school, they wouldn't be subjected to such heinous government control. She had posted the website on her Facebook page and I watched the video. My responsive post was: "The sky is falling" The sky is falling!" I now understand the generation gap. My 23 year old niece's friend posted that there is no need for health care reform because hospitals will treat anyone who needs it. I give up.

4:44 AM

Blogger skbproductions said...

I love my son-in-law. I can always depend on him for fuel!

1:13 PM

Blogger SAT said...

Dear Pete,
I know that Stefanie does not put you in the same political box as the birther/deather "Obama is going to come take your children" group. That hard right wing base is a SMALL group who refuses to accept the legitimacy of the first black president.The national microphones of Glen Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh; however, are providing a legitimacy to the crazy talk and unfortunately, average republican leaders are not saying a peep otherwise. That is what is making many of us "afraid" for our country as Stefanie said. The hate is flat out palpable. The rhetoric is frightening. That's what I worry our children are being taught. It's not about political philosophy. It's about hate and intolerance.

7:36 AM

Blogger Melissa said...

It is funny that this (moral outrage) is the very same way that the Democrats reacted to Bush the First's address of school children...Ah party politics.

I guess that it is true ~ there is nothing new under the sun. The Devil wears a lot of different cloaks, I suppose.

That said, I just read his speech, very inspiring!

5:12 PM


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