Monday, February 07, 2011

The idea is dead

Everyone knows I'm in advertising. I don't have million dollar budgets, and I don't work for a national boutique agency where the creative rules either. But I have been in the business for a while, and I came up in the industry where the idea ruled. I've won my fair share of awards, even on a national level. I've even judged award shows, looking for that great idea that you say "wow, I wish I had thougth of that!" Those are the best.

Now I interview art directors and writers, and I'm always dissapointed. The books i see are all schtick. The computer seems to be taking over. The designs are getting complicated, or they're just stupid or silly just for being stupid and silly.

Is the idea dead?

Most of the super bowl commercials were all about special affects, stupid for the sake of stupid, or crazy sensationlism. Void of ideas, or relevenece to every day life. It was quite reflective of the books I'm seeing these days. The art directors who start with technique and then it takes over. Pure noise, with no relevence to me. I used to think, we'll, I'm out of hte demographic. But no. It's not me. It's a degradation of the art.

I was thrilled to hear Donny Duetsch this morning on the Today Show. His agency was one of the advertising meccas when I was coming up in the business. And it was one of the few agencies to maintian their creative integrity while still growing into an international giant.

Their VW ad was brilliant. It resonated across demographics. Took an every day life situation and put a humourous twist on it (relevence) and sold something at the same time. Of course, Donny Duetsch is from my era of advertising. I'm sure there's descension in his ranks. Some young art director or writer thinks he's old, washed up and his ideas are dated. They're frustrated they dont' get to play with the toys or do that outragious advertising.

I have news for anyone climbing the ad ladder. Ideas are never dated. Trends are short lived. Good ideas live on forever. As a creative director I plan to keep forcing my art diretors and writers to have an idea. Dated? maybe. Right? YES!


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I must be dated, also. The cmmercials have all gone hi-tech and schtick . . .you're watching for 30 seconds and they make you think SO much!!! Half the timer you can't figure out what the commercial is for! Yes, I saw Donnie Deutsch(?) on the Today show and I agreed with him. The best Super Bowl commercial was the Darth vader kid and VW! If tht is old school, well, maybe old school is still out there becuase it works!!!!

1:55 PM

Blogger nicole said...

I feel like I really understand what you're talking about, and I fee like it is leaking into not only the ad world, but the film world, the entire entertainment world, which in turn leaks into the intenet, the school systems, and eventually the workforce pushing the nation forward. But not really forward. One small step for man has gotten REALLY REALLY small. Tiny even. I can barely see the feet of the next generation moving.

But maybe that what the past generations all think. At any rate, you're right about that.

10:55 PM

Blogger Alexis said...

I was really disappointed in the super bowl commercials this year. And I agree with Aunt Chrise, half the time I have no idea what the commercial is for. Even if the commercial is memorable, I can't remember the product it's if even if it's funny or dramatic, or full of super effects, is it really getting the job done if you can't remember the product?

P.S. I really hate the eggo commercial where the husband gets up a half hour early and says he's going to make breakfast and with only 5 minutes to go he pops some frozen waffles in the toaster. It drives me insane!! And don't even get me started on Hair Cuttery commercials!

6:29 PM


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