Sunday, September 28, 2008

Always room for art

Calvin Trillion wrote: "no matter how poor people are, there's always money for cigarettes and booze. Over the years I've had my own twist on that... always money for art. I can remember times when I didn't know where my mortgage payment was going to come from, and yet I still forked up the money to buy a piece of art. And it's never a peice that has to fit a decor, it's just something I fall in love with.

This was different. I had it in my mind to buy some art to fit my new "beach" living room decor. I had shopped the neptune show on friday and saturday, and nothing really popped out at me. Here I was ready to plop down some cash and I couldn't' find a thing to buy for the house.

Then a friend asked me to help fill out a table at a benefit auction downtown at "D'Art Center" And seeing as I was in the market for art, maybe I could make a purchase and do some good too. I bid on this one piece, it was really beautiful. Still not fulfilling the need I had, large, beach, bright colors, and happy. I decided I needed "happy" art. This piece was smaller, and had no beach theme at all.

As the bidding went up my desire for that piece went down, it was in budget, but earlier in the evening I had seen another piece that took my breath away. large, colorful, and at first glance, happy. If I was going to fork over some serious cash, I at least wanted some realestate to show for it. So, I stopped the bidding and went for the piece I had seen earlier. It was 4' x 3'. The size I needed, but it was horizontal, I was looking for that in vertical. However, once again, I gave no credence to my decorating needs and plunged in. I was in love, and there is no rationalizing with emotions.

And there it is. I know my picture doesn't do it justice, but it's wonderful. The colors are so vibrant. The light is wonderful, in person you can feel the light on the kids. And it has the edge I seem to like, conflict. No matter how hard I try, I can't buy happy art. Or something to fit over a sofa. This one is in the dining room, as it wouldn't even fit in the living room.

Well, it makes me happy. Now, let's hope some checks come in so I can pay my mortgage this month.


Blogger nicole said...

I told you i love it! And even Pete liked it. that must be a good thing.

7:09 AM


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