Friday, November 14, 2008

Blog lady

We are all put to shame by the number one blog lady, Alexis. She is so good at keeping up her blog, keeping us all informed and making sure to post at least once a week. Where as, I'm lucky I get something up here once every three months.

There is so much to update, let's see:

1. new chair
2. Trip to NY to see the play - Nicole, Justin, Pete, Alexis, and NY cousins
3. work
4. hmmmm, can't think of anymore.

Maybe that's why I don't blog. If you were to break down my day, it would be: Get up/ exercise/ go to work/ come home/ go to bed/wake up, start the routine over again. And yet, I'm not sure how I would fit anything else in. Yes, I work hard and long hours, but geez, I could do more with my evenings.

Oh, there is the occasional go for a drink and dinner after work, then go home and go to bed. I marvel at those people who can actually make plans on a week night. Just yesterday, I was leaving the office and a coworker was driving downtown to attend a design group's meeting where they were showing a film. Yikes, all the way downtown (about 15 miles) and probably going to be out really late (the event was over by 9:30) I was amazed at his energy!

After all, how does anyone go out after work, the sun if down for goodness sakes, once the sun is down, I'm done. It's over. I wonder if it goes back to being a child, you know your mother would say: it's dark, time to go to bed! I think it scared me for life, and now once it's dark, it's time to be in my sweats and go to bed.

So, now that we're in standard time, and it gets dark sooner, I'll more time making entry's in my blog. Only problem is I need to do something to talk about.

It's a conundrum.

Alexis' and Pete's baby room. I helped.

alexis shower in philly, Alexis, Nicole, me


Blogger Alexis said...

I don't know what you are talking about. Every time I call you at night you have company or are going out for a drink with someone. Your social life is way more active than mine! That's why I have nicknamed you "Rockstar."

7:27 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with you Alexis! It's not for lack of conversation, it's from lack of her being home to do it! She's either out somewhere, or a small gathering of 20 or so peole have popped in and she's whipping up a 5 course meal!

2:49 PM

Blogger Jessica + Chuck said...

oh, i'm sure within about a month or so you are going to have plenty to blog about -being a Grandma might be something to talk about after all! :)

8:56 PM

Blogger Jessica + Chuck said...

AND YES Alexis blows us all away. I can only dream of doing half the job she has done with my new blog. :)
And the baby's nursery is just adorable. I love it :)

8:58 PM

Blogger SAT said...

I'm so glad Alexis is sharing this wonderful time of their life with us through her blog. Frankly, I think I rank lower than you on a somewhat uneventful life scale. Although, Eddie and I are very happy at being boring. I do need to blog more though.

10:03 AM


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