Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am woman... Hear me saw!

I conquered another home fix-it project today. Another notch on the gucci workbelt for Rosie Riveter. I AM THE woMAN!

Last winter was more than my PVC that supplies water throughout my yard could handle. I sort of expect to have to check it out every spring, no biggie, it's not buried, or insulated, so when I open my pump, and it's all intact, I just look up the sky and say thank you to that big gardener who's looking out for me.

But this winter was brutle. In fact, I'm lucky, I only had one pipe crack. I have had cracks before. That's when I find myself pulling a BlancheDuBois and depending on the kindness of strangers. Last time it was the underground I was dating. Underground refers to those men I date that aren't ready for prime time. You don't bring them home to meet the kids, or include them in family events. It's just you and them, and that's fine. Until eventually you figure out that interesting, is actually legally insane. And "dark and mysterious," is slumming for sociopath. But before all that blows up, you get a few things around the house fixed. And in this case, the cracked PVC was one of them, along w/ a nice low point faucet to help drain the pvc when I shut the pump in the winter. Well, it's no guarantee, but maybe that's why I only had one crack in what is almost 300 feet of PVC pipe.

This years damage was to the pipe that is securely fastened to the shed tucked behind the potting table that is also secured to the shed with 4" screws.. you get the picture. So, we're not only talking pipe, saw and glue. We get to get out the 16hp cordless power drill. Heehaw!

First trip to the hardware store, pipe, elbows, couplings. Mark came with... While the salesman was explaining how to attach the pipe he basically looked right past me toward Mark. Yes, hands-of-silk Mark. About the only part of home improvements he participates in is the shaking of the martinis to celebrate when finished. Afterwards I told Mark I wasn't as offended by the salesmen's assumption, as he should of been by the reality of how ridiculous the idea of him being a handyman is.

Second trip, yes, most men recognize this, it's never just one trip to the hardware store is it guys? This time I needed another coupling, so my over acheiver self, bought four of everything.

At last, I'm on it. Unscrew the potting table, measure and cut the pipe, glue, assemble.. now I have to wait.. The instructions said wait for two hours before subjecting the fittings to pressure, aka, don't run water through the pipe for two hours.

So, I did what any handyman would do. I came in and gave my self a pedicure and manicure.

Then after two hours, I took my painted toes and power drill out back, and ...voila, it worked. Secured the potting table, cleaned up, and crossed another to-do off the list. And this summer I'll darn my garden hat, flowered garden gloves, take my painted toes out back, turn on my garden hose. Becasue when it comes to tackling home repairs, the only shrinking violets around here are in the ground, well watered.