Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The courtesan and the gardener

This weekend was so nice out, after some major garden cleanup and running of errands I just wanted to relax in the sun on my front porch and read. Problem was, nothing in the current stack fit my mood. So, I went to my bookcase. Yes, that's right, I still take to the old fashioned hard cover and paper.. I like the smell of books. After pulling one or two down, I settled on a classic. Camille. The classic love story of Armand, a man of society and the french courtesan, Marguerite. I am now a 19th century parisian. I love reading these old novels. the language is wonderful, the people so proper, or not. There really was a strong line of right and wrong, and one did not cross if for fear of bringing an entire families reputation down. I long for such maners and polite society, yet without the persecution that went with it.

It was hard to turn on the TV after my escape to the wealth and luxury of paris in the late 1800's and see the kardashions commentary as they walked through NY. My job, advertsiing and web nuts seemd insidgnificant, after haveing cried with Camille as she sacrificed her only happiness for the beneift of the man she loved. I find myself wanting to darn shalls, hats, gloves and move through the night in carriages with escorts. I currently feel totally misplaced in 2011, while my mind is still back a couple of centuries. I loved the the formality. Today we email and tweet, then they sent letters via servants.

I loved the escape. It was calming and wonderful. I may escape to England next, perhaps from the point of view of Jane Austin. Or maybe the Bronte's. No Dickens, nothing dark... sad maybe, but not dark. He was dark. Somethign that allows me to explore the life, gardens, and cutlture of the time with polite people narrating it all for me. A polite society. A time when Snookie didn't exist, or if she did, she would have been banned to the streets for her bahavior, her family honor distroyed and her position in life stripped, as well as her fortune.

Oh ... bring me a bouquet of camillias, and polite society. Is it time for tea?


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