Friday, October 09, 2009

A bit xrated, but too good to resist

So, I went the doctor today, nothing big, basic yearly stuff. The nurse practictioner saw me, and I had to have a pelvic. For those men who read my blog, in case you don't know that's the lovely exam where we lay on our backs and count the ceiling tiles while our medical professional poke around "down there".

Well, there I was, the usual... "you'll feel a little poke"...."okay, almost there...." then this nurse practitioner let's out a squeel with all the excitement of a kindergarten teacher praising her students "WOW, YOU LOOK GREEEEEAT!"

She continues her excited tone, telling me that given the fact that I'm in menopause, and for how long, I look great down there... she then starts to describe what she sees that's so great, IN DETAIL. And again, the enthusiam made it all the more surreal.

So, there I'm am. Starring at the ceiling, listing to this woman praise my vagina. And all I'm thinking is 'okay, I have this 25 year old vagina, now if my boobs and face could catch up, I'm in business.'

Next week I have my colonoscopy. I can't wait o find out how old my colon is. I'll keep you posted.


Blogger Unknown said...

Never, and I mean n e v e r, has any physician, physician's assistant, nurse, nurse-practitioner - I mean no.damn.body - ever complimented my va-jay-jay. Girlfriend...I bow down to you...!

7:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alexis said "don't read". I assumed you were praising Obama for winning the Nobel Prize for doing nothing. I was getting all fired up. I read. It was worse than I thought.


8:17 PM

Blogger nicole said...

well i loved this post. it made my day. i'm proud of you, mom. i'm proud of where i come from!

10:36 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

It was even more hysterical reading about it, than hearing about it. You know, you can't make up this stuff!!

3:17 PM

Blogger SAT said...

I read this post on the day you wrote it and I still am not sure how to respond. Congrats? maybe. Although I think I am most disturbed by the idea that your gyno thinks it is appropriate to comment on the appearance of your genitals. I mean isn't that like saying "wow, you have great tits!"
What if she was a he? I couldn't handle it as well as you have, I think it's funny but creepy.

6:59 AM


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